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BALLOON CONCEPTS,  opened in March 2007 to the delight of our surrounding

communities. Customers, Schools, Organizations, Event Planners, Churches,

Synagogues and many local businesses. 

BALLOON CONCEPTS is LOCALLY owned and operated by Darin and Nancy Tiep..

Nancy has 18 years years of experience and ptoduced 1000's of balloon decorations.

Customer service and satisfactions is stressed as it's most important asset and goal. Nancy,  

says that " we have met the best Customers, many of who have become friends as well. Our NEW location in

Santa Monica has been well received". Our customers truly appreciate having us so conveniently located, and

best of all, that "DELIVERIES ARE AVAILABLE".  

Darin has been in the Party Goods business practically all his life, having been a manufacturer and wholesaler prior to marrying Nancy and opening their first Party and Balloon store together.

Along with Balloon Decor expertise, some of the items that BALLOON CONCEPTS has on hand are packaged Balloons, Pinata's, Wristbands,, Banners, Streamers, Seasonal merchandise Table Confetti and of course Hats, Blowouts, and Horns. 


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